It’s easy to put things in to the ‘one-day’ pile, isn’t it? The ‘not-now-but-someday pile’ – ‘Sure I’ll learn Spanish, train for an Iron Man and cycle the length of Africa – just not right now’.
But before you know it ‘someday’ has been and gone and you’ve got a list the length of your arm of things you wanted to do and very little time left to do them. We get so swept up in the minutiae of daily life, of deadlines and dinner dates, that we live in a sort of stupor, stumbling from one day to the next with little intent from start to finish.
This list, then, is my attempt to remedy that. It’s my bid to not only be more more purposeful with the one and only life I’ve been given, but also to imbue it with a little more fun. It’s a reminder to myself to prioritise the experiences that make me feel excited and alive, because isn’t that what life is all about?
- Run a half marathon – anyone else do that thing where they start their to-do list with something they’ve already done? I ran a half marathon recently. It’s something I never thought I’d be able to do (I’ve always hated running) and I’m super proud of myself
- Learn a new language – I would love to be able to speak another language. Since being in lockdown, Rory and I have been learning Spanish together. We’re 3 weeks in and absolutely loving it. I’m so determined to keep it up!
- Go on a US road trip – my younger sister and I have wanted to go on a US road trip for years. The current plan is to do it in celebration of her graduating next summer!
- Get a tattoo – I’ve always wanted a tattoo but have never actually got around to booking it in. I know what I want, so this one shouldn’t be too difficult!
- Live abroad (again) – I lived in the US for 5 months whilst studying abroad and loved it. It completely changed my life and I’m keen to do it again for at least a month. I really loved being able to deep-dive into one specific place, rather than constantly moving around.
- Write a book – my dreams of writing a book have stayed pretty consistent since the age of 4 or 5. I’ve got the idea and I’ve started writing it. I just have to finish it, which is difficult but not impossible!
- Read 50 books in a year – it’s been a long time since I read that much in a year. I love reading and I’d really like to push myself to do it more often. I’m currently on my 14th book of the current year, so I could possibly even do it in 2020?!
- Learn how to take better photographs – photography intimidates me. I feel like there’s a lot to learn and I always put off learning it. I’d love to just get stuck in and learn how to take good photographs. They can capture a moment and a mood so well and I think it’s something that future me would really thank me for learning now
- Get a psychic reading – okay, this one’s a bit kooky but I find it really fascinating and I’d love to do it once!
- Buy a house – I would love to have bought a house (or apartment) by the time I’m 30. It would be amazing for Rory and I to have a place to call our own.
- Take a dance class – I took dance classes from the age of 3 to 19 but stopped when I started university. It bought me so much joy and I miss it like crazy. When I’m back in London I really want to find a weekly dance class.
- Travel. Lots and lots of Travel. – I could’ve written a whole list of just destinations I’d like to visit before I’m 30 (maybe that’s an idea for another blogpost?), so instead I’ll just say that I want travel to be my priority over the next few years – to visit as many places as I possibly can.
- Go bungee jumping – it looks terrifying but epic! I’m currently saving this for a trip to New Zealand!
- Do a sky-dive – again, terrifying but cool. The idea of seeing the world from such an interesting (and adrenalin-fuelled) viewpoint really appeals to me.
- Make photo albums for each year – this is one of those things that I’ve been putting off for ages. After my mum died, I realised how much I loved being able to look back on photos of the good times we’d had together as a family. They really sparked so many memories for me. I’d really love to start making photo albums each year so I can look back on everything that happened in the future.
- Make more friends – as an introvert, I’m very bad at making friends. I’m fiercely independent (or just a recluse?) and love spending time alone. But recently I’ve realised how important strong friendships are and I’d really like to cultivate some deeper ones.
- See Chicago – the musical, not the city (although I wouldn’t mind seeing that too!). I love the film, I love the songs, but I’ve never seen it on the stage and I’d really love to!
- Go on a multi-day hike – I’ve never been much of a hiker, there’s not much to hike near me, but it’s something I’d love to do. And I’d really love to do a multi-day hike – something that requires me to pack a bag and carry it on my back for multiple days. Maybe the Inca Trail?
- Learn to skateboard – I don’t know what it is but over the past year or so, I’ve felt a real desire to learn to skateboard! I’m 24-years-old, very uncool, and extremely clumsy, but for some reason this sounds like a good idea to me! So I’d at least like to give it a go!
- Learn to surf – again, an odd choice for a tall, clumsy person like myself, but it looks cool and I’d love to take some lessons!
- Buy a van – I spend more time than I care to admit researching van life. I’d love to have a van of my own one day and take it on lots of travel adventures
- Go on a yoga retreat – going to yoga classes does the most amazing things for my mind. I feel so much inner peace in that one short hour, that I can’t imagine what a whole week would do to me! I’d love to dedicate some time to really deepening my practice.
- Start investing and becoming money literate – I often bury my head in the sand when it comes to money. I find finances super intimidating but it’s something that I know I should learn more about.
- See The Nutcracker Ballet (again) – I went to see The Nutcracker a couple of christmases back with my family at the Royal Opera House in London and absolutely adored it. I’d love to go back and see it again!
- Publish an ebook – I already have an idea for what I’d like this to be about and I think it could be really helpful for people, so now I’ve just got to get writing it!
- Fly first class – I’ve done a number of long haul flights but never in first class. I’d love to experience it at least once.
- Do a pull up – I’m always super impressed when I see someone doing pull-ups in the gym and it’s something that I’ve always found really difficult. I’m sure that if I really focused my energy into it, however, that I could master the pull-up!
- Write for a magazine – I’d really love to see my writing published in a magazine at some point. I think it feels different to be able to physically hold your work and I hope I can experience that one day
- Be on television – I don’t know what for or why but I just think it’d be a bit of fun and I’d love to be able to say that I’d done it!
- Go to Universal Studios/Disney World – I’ve never been as I haven’t ever prioritised going there other travel opportunities but I love a theme park, so I’ve got to get there eventually!