You’re doing your bit to stop the spread of the coronavirus – limiting your social interactions, staying in the house, and washing your hands on the reg. And at first it doesn’t seem so bad. I mean, you’ve finally got a legit excuse as to why you can’t go to those events you absolutely dread – bless up, amirite?
Except, after a while, the novelty wears off. You’re twiddling your thumbs and reorganising your stacks of toilet paper, wondering what to do with yourself. In a boredom-induced moment of desperation, you google ‘things to do under self-isolation’ and you’ve wound up here. Which is exactly where you need to be my friend because I’ve put together a list of things and resources to keep you busy until it’s safe to resume normal life.

1. Immerse Yourself in a New Book
‘I love reading but I just never have the time!’ Well now you do! It’s the perfect time to get stuck into a new book! Fly through some bestsellers and smash your reading goal for the year, or set yourself a real challenge and use that extra time to wade through a Russian classic. If your travel plans have been affected by the virus, why not read a novel set in the country you were supposed to be visiting or read one of these amazing travel books to keep you inspired! Alternatively, use the time to better yourself and read one of these Top 10 Self Help Books!
Check out my Top 10 Travel Books or Top 10 Self-Help Books to get you started!

2. Learn a New Language on Duolingo
You might not be able to visit a new country right now, but you can prepare for future trips by getting a grip on some of the local lingo. I love the Duolingo app and am currently enjoying learning some beginners Indonesian!

3. Watch All the Harry Potter Movies
Indulge in a little magic during this anxiety-ridden time by having a Harry Potter movie marathon. Remember what it was like to watch them for the first time and let your imagination whisk you away to a place unlike any other.
4. Have a Deep Cleaning Session
If you’re going to be stuck in your house all day long, you might as well make it a nice place to be. Find some podcasts (you can check out a list of some of my favourites here) or put together the ultimate cheesy tunes playlist and do a deep clean of your space. Pop a candle on when you’re done and I promise you’ll feel like a new person!

5. Do an At-Home Workout
It’s no secret that gyms can be a bit of a breeding ground for germs but you can still get a sweat on at home! In fact, why not use this time to commit to some kind of challenge? Like a daily yoga practice or 20 minute HIIT session? I love Yoga with Adriene’s 30 Day Challenges. Maybe you could practice the splits every morning, or pump out as many press-ups as possible. Either way, moving your body is bound to make you feel a bit better, especially if you’re not getting as many steps in as you usually would.

6. Journal
Start a daily practice of journalling! Daily writing has amazing mental health benefits. It can reduce stress as well as help you solve problems more effectively. It’s also a great way to bring more creativity into your life.
Check out my post for 12 Journal Prompts for Self Discovery.
7. Have a Games Night
If you and your loved ones are stuck inside together, why not have a good old-fashioned games night? Whip out those board games that have been gathering dust in your cupboard and enjoy a bit of healthy competition. For ultimate laughs, I’d recommend Articulate. Note: monopoly is probably best avoided at times like this .

8. Create a Budget
Avoid looking at your bank balance at all costs? Prefer to bury your head in the sand and hope all your payments go through? Maybe now’s the time to face things head on and take stock of everything. Put together a realistic budget of what you should be spending each month and create a spreadsheet to help you keep track!

9. Learn Calligraphy
Get on Youtube and learn a new skill, like calligraphy! It’s fun, challenging, and kind of therapeutic. Before you know it, everyone you know will be asking for help with writing place settings. Who knows, maybe you’ll even end up setting up shop?

10. Start the Blog/Podcast/Novel
You know that thing you keep thinking about doing? Yeah, you should do it. Now’s the time to start the blog, the podcast, the poetry, the novel – the time to jump in and just enjoy the process of creating something new.

11. Do Some Scrapbooking
You might be struggling to hang out with friends to make new memories but there’s nothing wrong with reminiscing on the old ones! Grab a scrapbook, print some photographs, and you’re away. We often rely on all our photos being online but who know’s how easily those could be lost? Why not pop them all in one concrete place so you can look back on them for generations to come?

12. Deep Clean Your Online Life
I’ve already suggested you deep clean your home, but what about your online space? Chances are you’ve spent more time on social media than usual recently, mindlessly scrolling and liking. But all of those precious minutes add up and what we consume can majorly affect us. Go through your follow list and cull anyone who makes you feel down or insecure. Make your online space a safe one, full of positive people who improve your day rather drag it down! Whilst you’re at it, unsubscribe from emails, unfriend people you haven’t spoken to for years, and delete all the random crap sitting in your downloads file.

13. Take an Online Class
Did you know there are loads of ways to learn online for cheap or even free? Take a look at MOOCs (massive open online courses) or sites such as Skillshare and LinkedIn learning. You can learn about pretty much anything, from knitting to digital marketing. Improve your CV or just pick up a fun new skill!

14. Do Some DIY
Is there a wall that needs painting? A chest of drawers that needs fixing? Or some photos that are all framed and ready to hang on the wall? Use this time to do all of those little home tasks that you’ve been putting off. It’ll spruce up your environment and you’ll have one less thing on your never-ending to-do list.
15. Have a Netflix Binge Session
Finally get around to watching that show that EVERYONE in the office has been talking about. Sit down and allow yourself a few hours of getting completely lost in a great storyline.